Portrait of a BJD

Portrait of a BJD
Inmemoria 2016 LE 3

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bjd is painted and ready to be strung!

Here are some update pictures of my latest polymer clay ball jointed doll. She is 11 inches and is called, "Forgotten Columbina...an Automata Pantomime". She was inspired by this picture and a song, "When she loved me". She is a toy that has long since been forgotten by her owner...who was a child long ago. She is lonely and forgotten. Her once happy painted face is running with tears.
I am really looking forward to costuming her. She looks like an Automata doll with her key wind in her back (I have not photographed that yet)... I should have finished photos by the end of the weekend.
If you are in Orlando, Florida next week you can see her in person at the IDEX show January 27-30. I will not be attending. My work will be in the IADR (International Art Doll Registry) booth. For more info on this show visit www.idexshows.com/


Christel said...

KORI>>>OMG AWESOME!!! I LOVE IT!!! I want to do a clown/pierrot so badly, but there is a thin line between freaky scarey clown, and romantic beautiful pierrot..oh I really love this piece! This would win prizes girl!! Someone will swoop her up at IDEX for sure..lucky them! xoxox Christel

Turtle Child Studio said...

You made my day Christel! I love her too...I have loved pierrot's since high school. I used to have a poster of one on my wall. She was fun to make, but one of my quickest bjds ever...she will be finished by Sunday and from start to finish just a little over a week...that is a record for me! Thanks for the sweet comments! hugs!!