Portrait of a BJD

Portrait of a BJD
Inmemoria 2016 LE 3

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Getting it finished--New tutorial available soon!

Hello all-
So sorry it has been awhile since I have posted. I have had quite a few set backs lately, first I fell and injured my left shoulder (luckily I am right handed). Then the whole family came down with the stomach flu...first my kids went the rounds...one after another, my husband and then finally it hit me! So, the sculpt I have been working on got a little way-layed...as did my newest tutorial which is based on this latest sculpture. But, good news...I am over it and back to work! I am hoping to have all completed in the next couple of weeks, as I am very behind on things.
I think you all will be pleased with this new BJD tutorial. It takes up from where the first BJD tutorial ended and continues on to more detailed finishing techniques and advanced jointing, as well as some extras for you...for a truely professional FINISHED project. I have much more to teach you all about the bjd making process (including making molds, casting in resin, etc.)...but you will have to wait until my full length book comes out. I am still hoping to finish writing it this year, but most likely publication will end up being in 2013. Time just seems to be racing by me lately. Cheers...Happy Spring All! ;-)